2024 年 7 月 30 日
飛 Sir

學習 OH 卡有何價值?學生成長歷程分享


以下是兩位跟隨我們學習 OH 卡的學員,分享他們在過程中的成長及改變。


When I first contacted OH Cards, I was amazed and surprised by its power. That is the power of reflecting one’s unconsciousness, including one’s unfinished business, unresolved emotions etc., and bringing to one’s conscious level.

From the display of the cards, I could have more understanding of what I was concerning and struggling. With the help of the facilitator, I could be more aware of what I value and what I could do to achieve my underlying yearning. I just fell in love with the magic of OH Cards immediately and was determined to be the professional facilitator to benefit more people.

One of the interesting parts of OH Cards are that we can have different game design for OH Cards, which can bring out different effect and outcome. I remember that in one activity, all group members needed to pick five cards which represented their five core values in their life. Everyone would lose four cards in the process and regain two cards at last. It helped me to realize that what the most important things are for me in my life. It also facilitated my awareness of that I might sometimes spend more time on the things I actually concern less, while I invest less time on the things I really treasure. It was a good self-reflection activity that I can learn to prioritize the significant parts for my life.

As a counsellor, I felt grateful for having this opportunity to know OH Cards, which equip more my skills to help with clients. There is nothing better than practicing it more often. I found that OH Cards work well for children, youth and young adults. They usually have the impression that OH Cards look like tarot and increases their interests. When I made use of cards to facilitate their self-exploration of their underlying concern and self-awareness of their own value and yearning, they were quite amazed by how OH Cards could reflect their current situation. With more and more practice in the learning process, I could more realize that it was not about OH Cards reflected their status, but how the clients interpreted and projected their concern and unresolved emotions and thoughts on the cards. When clients could be able to visualize their difficulties, unfinished business and suppressed emotions, they could bring them more reflection and insight of what affected their well-being.

Thanks to my tutor Fei Sir, I have gained a lot in the lessons. I could not only learn how to make use of different OH Cards and the skills in the process of facilitation, I could also have much reflection and insight of my personal issues and prompt personal growth. It strengthens my resources and well-being, and thus enhances my strength and sense of competence to serve my clients. It is a fruitful and treasurable learning experiences and I know that it is lifelong learning. I am looking forward to witness more miracle on different persons by the use of OH Cards.

Miss Ng (Professional Counsellor)




感謝我的導師 Fei Sir,我在課程中獲得了很多收穫。我不僅學會了如何使用不同的OH卡和啟進過程中的技巧,我還對我的個人問題有了更多的反思和洞察,促進了個人成長。這增強了我的資源和福祉,從而提高了我的力量和為對象服務的能力。這是一次富有成果和珍貴的學習經歷,我知道這是終身學習。我期待著通過使用OH卡見證不同人身上的更多奇蹟。



I started learning and using OH Cards 2 years ago. In recent years, I started exploring different spiritual practices mainly to help myself in finding my inner peace. I learned Zentangle, SoulCollage, OH Cards along other methods. Yet, OH Cards has been the most frequently practiced one amongst all, not only for myself but with different communities I am working with.

At the beginning, I thought OH Cards would be another tool or skill to equip myself; not soon later, I realised the very first beneficiary would be myself. In the journey of learning OH Cards, attending different courses and gatherings in The Hong Kong Institution of OH Psychology with Mr Ngai Fai Hung, I could open my heart in a supportive and loving community, exploring and healing my wounds. This equal, supportive and safe community is also what keep me practicing OH Cards.

I have tried many ways to heal my heart and sooth my soul, yet whenever I returned to the crowd from solitude, I would feel the remoteness and had a strange feeling that I didn’t fit or belong. I did not know how to understand this strange feeling and responded by withdrawing myself from the people. It is different with OH Cards. From the very beginning, I could open my heart and share anything that was revealed by the cards—I have a feeling that everyone here is equal and we would respect and do our best to understand each other. Then, I learned that the pursuit of spirituality and healing do not necessarily means solitude, it can also be done with a community—it will never be a lonely journey again. It feels comforting to know that there is a big family I can always go back to when I have difficulties or challenges that I cannot easily share with even the closest people in my life.

Another thing that OH Cards bring to my life is the five etiquettes: in OH, we honour each other’s -privacy, -time, -intelligence and imagination, -integrity, -individuality, These have been the rules of thumb in communication with others for me since I had learned OH Cards. I do not only follow these etiquettes when I am practicing OH Cards, but also in different interpersonal relationships and communication. I feel communication and relationship built on these five etiquettes to be more honest, truthful and equal. It helps me effortlessly establish respect amongst my colleagues, partners and clients in my work.

OH Cards never makes me feel nervous. I do not worry whether “I” can use OH Cards well. I feel I can fully trust the creation and the method of OH Cards—I am only the middle person between OH Cards and the participants or clients. This has become a philosophy of life for me too—to trust the process, to trust life, and to trust my own heart. I am really grateful for knowing OH Cards, it teaches me a lot about life, helps me lead a more peaceful and light life, and establish easier and pleasant relationship with myself and others.

Ms Mok (Senior Teacher)





– 隱私,
– 時間,
– 智慧和想像力,
– 正直,
– 個性,




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