

99 picture cards plus 44 action signs about life as a couple


貨號: TANDOO 分類: ,

有 99 張畫作的圖像卡,描繪伴侶生活的場景、象徵情感、願望、需求、衝突,以及在日常生活中伴侶關係所呈現的癒合模式。 創作過程中,分別加入擁有幾十年的伴侶輔導及治療經驗的 Ofra Aylon 提供概念原理,以及透過藝術家瑪麗娜 Lukyanova 的巧手描繪出豐富素材所涵蓋的主題。 44個互動卡透過象徵指引,給予伴侶們繼續走過酸甜苦辣旅程的想法。這些卡片提供了嶄新的觀點、洞見、感受以及行動。體現出相似於OH卡系列的風格,TANDOO卡,可以看到隱喻並以多元方式詮釋。 TANDOO是私人和專業用途的工具,且可與所有其他 OH 系列卡片一一起組合使用。

The 99 painted images depict scenes of couple-life, symbolizing feelings, wishes, needs, conflicts, and healing patterns that emerge in the continuous flow of couple relationships. In cooperation with Ofra Ayalon, decades of experience in couple counselling and therapy were added to artist Marina Lukyanova´s gifted hand when painting the topics covered by this substantial tool.

Using signs, 44 action cards suggest the idea of a roadmap for a couple´s journey of woe and joy. The cards offer fresh views and thoughts, feelings and actions. True to the genre of the OH Cards, TANDOO Cards can be seen metaphorically and interpreted in a multitude of ways. TANDOO is a tool for private and professional use. It can be combined with every other OH genre deck.

Author: Ofra Ayalon
Artwork: Marina Lukyanova


重量 0.335 公斤
尺寸 10 × 15 × 4 公分