Resilio - 香港開心心理學院



99 picture cards about stress plus 44 animal cards


貨號: RESILIO 分類: ,

99 張卡片反映日常生活中的壓力,也展現放鬆的可能性。我們在生活中 所面臨的壓力可能是個可以激發潛能的強心劑,也可能成為我們痛苦的負擔,導致情緒不佳、生氣甚至生病。我們該如何去尋找我們的內在的力量, 進而擴展我們自己呢?44 張力量動物象徵不同的特質,可以幫助我們發現、強化我們的復原力、恢復力!並以隱喻的方式,給予我們情感上或信念上的支持。143 張 色彩繽紛的卡片,是由才華洋溢的捷克水彩畫家艾蜜莉馬蒂所繪製。就像 我們的其他卡片,復原卡可以和所有的OH卡系列搭配運用,也可以單獨操作,例如你可以使用它來記錄、檢視你的生活。以專業的角度來看,復 原卡是個沒有固定牌義、開放式的輔助媒材,站在客觀、自由、開放的角 度,喚起人們內在的故事。

The 99 picture cards reflect the stresses of daily life as well as revealing possibilities for relaxation. Daily pressures can be both a stimulating elixir of life and also a painful burden resulting in bad moods, upsets, or even illness. How can we find our own resources in order to unburden ourselves? The 44 animal cards symbolize qualities that can help us discover and strengthen our resilience. Metaphorically, they provide emotional and/or conceptual support. All 143 vividly-coloured cards were painted by the versatile Czech watercolour artist Emilie Marti. Like all of our cards, RESILIO can be combined with other OH-genre decks. It can be used privately, for instance to keep a stress diary. In a professional context, RESILIO can be an undogmatic tool for helping – in an unbiased, value-free way – to evoke people’s inner stories.


重量 0.335 公斤
尺寸 10 × 15 × 4 公分